We have the groups!
Feel free to send us a flyer to add! CONTACT@FIRSTRECOVERYSOMD.ORG.
We Have a Group for You!
Also visit our Events page for more ways to be a part!
Healthy Relationships (You are Capable)
every Wednesday at 5pm- in person or Zoom
Do you feel like the weight of others is on your shoulders? Struggle with jealousy? A people pleaser? Welcome- we can help!
20850 Langley Road Lexington Park (Beacon of Hope, back of campus)
Zoom meeting ID: 72897735395 password 12345
SMART Recovery
join us Tuesdays at 3pm or Fridays at 8pm
Self Management and Recovery Training- tools and support for change. Join us on Zoom or in person!
There is no reason you shouldn’t know what’s going on at Beacon of Hope Recovery and Wellness Community Center. Sign up to our newsletter and get news sent to your inbox.
Recovery Book Club
Read and Share- 2 options a week
Do you like to read about and discuss wellness topics? This is your jam! Mondays and Fridays at 1:30- different book! Currently reading Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown on Fridays. We also can help with a copy of book club featured book. Group on person or Zoom!
Grief Recovery
Wednesdays 6-7pm
Looking for a place to share, or feeling too raw and just want to listen? You are welcome! Group provides copies of How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed. We meet in person or on Zoom- your choice!